This is the idea that gets pushed.
Women are complex
Women can be emotional. Women can be certain. Women can be uncertain. Women can be assertive. Women can be angry. Women can be loving.
This is women being women. This is women being complex.
Men are simple
Men must be certain. Men must be assertive. Men must be powerful. Men must be strong.
This is what Men should be.
But Life is Complex
Life is emotional. Life is uncertain. Life can be angry. Life can be loving.
Life is complex.
So what can Boys be?
Can Boys be emotional without being called girly, a pussy or soft?
Can Boys be vulnerable without being shamed?
Can Boys be complex and still be Men?
So are Men simple?
Simple things are not simplistic. There is a difference.
My phone is simple to use but it is a complex machine. I just don’t see the complexity.
Boys are complex. Ask any parent.
Do Boys grow into simple Men, or is it that we just don’t see the complexity?
Men might be simple, but this doesn’t mean simplistic. There is a difference.